What is the New Gen Council?
A group of local young professionals (45 and under) in the home building industry that come together to network and learn from one another. We will meet quarterly at various locations, with a different speaker/topic each meeting. We are also currently working on a mentor program and volunteer projects as a way to give back to the community.
I am over 45. Why should I be interested?
You can send a young professional from your business! It is a great opportunity to have someone represent your business and network with others in the industry. You can also volunteer as a mentor!
How much does it cost?
If you are a member of JCAHBA, it is FREE! If you are not a member, why not?
Please “like” our page on Facebook to keep up with JCAHBA New Gen! www.facebook.com/jcahbanewgen
Boy’s & Girl’s Club of Johnson City/Washington County “Walkway Project”
For our first official service project we chose the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Johnson City/Washington County. We were advised that the Club had no convenient way for friends and family attending ballgames to maneuver through the grass and slight slope to the existing handicap marked concrete pads behind home plate. After meeting with the President and CEO, Robin Crumley, it was determined that a concrete path was the right way to go to which we quickly “voluntold” David Isaacs with Isaacs Pools & Spas that he was the project leader. A good decision on both!
We want to thank the Member businesses that donated equipment, materials, time, and specialized work crews to complete this project. We could NOT have done it without them!
* Builders First Source (especially for coming to our rescue early on a Saturday morning)
* Hicks Construction and Third Generation Concrete (also known to us as Dunbar)
* Isaacs Pools & Spas, LLC
* Lowe’s Johnson City
* Lowe’s Jonesborough
* and ReadyMix USA for supplying ALL of the concrete for this project
- Day 1 – Getting Ready
- Day 1 – Getting Ready
- Let’s do this!
- Time to clear the way
- Time to clear the way
- Site prep time
- Site prep time
- Site prep time
- Site prep time
- Creating the forms
- Creating the forms
- Creating the forms
- Creating the forms
- Creating the forms
- Breaking up and smoothing out
- Breaking up and smoothing out
- Still creating the forms
- More site prep
- More site prep
- More site prep
- More site prep
- More site prep
- David, outstanding in his field!
- Still creating the forms
- Still creating the forms
- Still creating the forms
- Still creating the forms
- Still creating the forms
- Day 1 complete
- Day 1 complete
- Day 1 complete
- Day 1 complete
- Day 1 complete
- Day 2 – ReadyMix USA delivering the concrete
- Day 2 – Concrete finishers on the job
- They even did a little repair work to the existing pad
- They even did a little repair work to the existing pad
- They even did a little repair work to the existing pad
- They even did a little repair work to the existing pad
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Concrete finishers on the job
- Day 2 complete!
- Day 3 Begins – Time to pull the forms
- Time to pull the forms
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- David and his hammer
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Back fill is the name of the game!
- Sowing grass seeds
- Sowing grass seeds
- Sowing grass seeds
- Day 3 complete. Job is DONE!
- Day 3 complete. Job is DONE!
- Day 3 complete. Job is DONE!
- Day 3 work team
- Day 3 work team